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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 15, Issue 3, pp. 715-1043

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Sensitivity of the Stationary Distribution of a Markov Chain

Carl D. Meyer

pp. 715-728

Strongly Inertia-Preserving Matrices

Abraham Berman and Dafna Shasha

pp. 729-732

Dynamical Systems that Compute Balanced Realizations and the Singular Value Decomposition

U. Helmke, J. B. Moore, and J. E. Perkins

pp. 733-754

Trust Region Problems and Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Perturbations

Ronald J. Stern and Henry Wolkowicz

pp. 755-778

The Generalized Order Linear Complementarity Problem

M. Seetharama Gowda and Roman Sznajder

pp. 779-795

A Matrix Approach to Finding a Set of Generators and Finding the Polar (Dual) of a Class of Polyhedral Cones

Carolyn Pillers Dobler

pp. 796-803

A Uniform Approach for the Fast Computation of Matrix-Type Padé Approximants

Bernhard Beckermann and George Labahn

pp. 804-823

A Block-Parallel Newton Method via Overlapping Epsilon Decompositions

A. I. Zecevic and D. D. Siljak

pp. 824-844

Factorization of Matrix Polynomials with Symmetries

A. C. M. Ran and L. Rodman

pp. 845-864

Decomposability and Quotient Subspaces for the Pencil $sL - M$

V. L. Syrmos and F. L. Lewis

pp. 865-880

Numerical Gradient Algorithms for Eigenvalue and Singular Value Calculations

J. B. Moore, R. E. Mahony, and U. Helmke

pp. 881-902

A Note on Extreme Correlation Matrices

Chi-Kwong Li and Bit-Shun Tam

pp. 903-908

On Preconditioning for Finite Element Equations on Irregular Grids

Alison Ramage and Andrew J. Wathen

pp. 909-921

The Reverse Bordering Method

C. Brezinski, M. Morandi Cecchi, and M. Redivo-Zaglia

pp. 922-937

Some Spectral Properties of Hermitian Toeplitz Matrices

William F. Trench

pp. 938-942

Theory of Decomposition and Bulge-Chasing Algorithms for the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

David Watkins and Ludwig Elsner

pp. 943-967

The Diagonal Torus of a Matrix under Special Unitary Equivalence

Robert C. Thompson

pp. 968-973

Fast Estimation of Principal Eigenspace Using Lanczos Algorithm

Guanghan Xu and Thomas Kailath

pp. 974-994

LCP Degree Theory and Oriented Matroids

Walter D. Morris, Jr.

pp. 995-1006

Variation of the Unitary Part of a Matrix

Rajendra Bhatia and Kalyan Mukherjea

pp. 1007-1014

An Upper Bound for the Real Part of Nonmaximal Eigenvalues of Nonnegative Irreducible Matrices

Shmuel Friedland and Leonid Gurvits

pp. 1015-1017

Block Downdating of Least Squares Solutions

L. Eldén and H. Park

pp. 1018-1034

An Attainable Lower Bound for the Best Normal Approximation

Lajos László

pp. 1035-1043